Tuesday, December 19, 2006

A random thought

Hmmmmm....another homeless post.
I am just fascinated by homelessness I guess.
Being here in Vancouver you see it endlessly, maybe that I why it is always on my mind.
I actually have an idea for a homeless blog that I will probably start one day. Another little project of mine.

I just read this morning about another squat that the homeless and homeless advocates are doing at the Premier's office and I couldn't help but think......
These people can go sit on their asses for days straight in all of these old buildings and on sidewalks in protest of the government not providing housing for them in one of the most desirable cities to live in in the world.......when they could very easily go out and get jobs where they only have to work for 8 hours a day and could afford to rent their own place to live rather than relying on the government. Where is the sense in this?? I could very easily insert a comment here about only wanting handouts and not wanting to actually work for a living....but I won't. ;)

Happy Holidays everyone.